Music for the Soul has resources on a wide range of topics in a variety of formats. There are several music projects of varying lengths all of which are available for download. Some are also available in a physical CD format. Individual songs can be download as well. Documentaries, devotionals, discussion guides, sheet music, and instrumental tracks are among the other items you’ll find here. Explore!
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Digital EP
Children's Music
Children's Music
Music for the Little Soul
Bible Songs for kids, sung by kids! Instrumental tracks included.
Children's Music
No Room in the Inn
A fun, upbeat Christmas song for children.
Children's Music
Indigestible Jonah
A fun song about what Jonah learned from his experience with the whale.
Children's Music
A song helping kids learn to praise the name of Jesus.
Children's Music
God is the Foundation
A song to encourage children to build their lives on the firm foundation of God.
Children's Music
Sol Sol The Know it All
A fun song teaching kids that obeying God is the beginning of wisdom.
Children's Music
Little Children Come Unto Me
A song to teach children how important they are to Jesus. Used by many congregations during worship for their children's conversation.
Children's Music
The Golden Rule
A song teaching kids to treat others the way they want to be treated.
Children's Music
This is My Goodnight Prayer
A lullaby about prayer.
Need You Now
Twenty Three: Reflections Inspired by Psalm 23
Before We Said Hello
Designed to support parents grieving pregnancy loss or infant loss. Author and singer Becky Nordquist says, "You are not alone. Your baby's life matters."
What Hope Says
Pain to Light
Music for the Little Soul Christmas
Life of Faith
A ten song collection about some of the issues that come up as we seek to live a life of faith
Soft Rain
Topics include abandonment, betrayal, infant loss, sexual abuse, and seeking God in hard times. The ultimate message is one of healing and hope and God's presence with us even in the midst of almost unbearable pain.
Tell Me What You See
A collection of insightful, honest songs and testimonies is shared by women who’ve recovered from an eating disorder.
Children's Music
Music for the Little Soul
Bible Songs for kids, sung by kids! Instrumental tracks included.
DVD / Video
Need You Now
DVD / Video
We’re All in This Together video
More Beautiful
Created from real life stories of breast cancer survivors this DVD/CD set is support and encouragement for the woman going through breast cancer and family who loves her.
Soul Care Kit
The Soul Care Starter Kit is the complete library of all of our full length music CDs, single songs, video projects, and discussion guides for one low price.
Somebody’s Daughter
The grace-filled DVD contains four compelling music videos, forty minutes of life-giving interviews, and eight vignettes. Also includes a CD with 9 songs & 9 spoken word testimonies.
DVD / Video
Under My Skin: The Heart of Adoption
A touching and honest look at the joys and challenges of adoption.
Need You Now
Imagine God’s Best
Merciful Jesus
Hope Says There’s a Way
Tell Yourself the Truth
Taking Care of Me
Not That Much Different Than You
Right Now
Spoken Word
Spoken Word
Reading of the Twenty Third Psalm
Spoken Word
Comfort for Those Who Grieve a Suicide
Spoken Word
A Warrior’s Prayer
A prayer for God to heal the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wounds of those who have served in the military.
Spoken Word
Two Hundred Years of Wisdom
Interviews with couples married fifty years sharing how they did it.
Spoken Word
Top Ten Reasons Why Marriage is Good for You
A spoken word piece on the advantages of staying married.
Spoken Word
Wisdom, Part 2
Interviews with couples married fifty years sharing how they did it.
Spoken Word
Affirmation for married couples
Encouraging words to help guide couples toward a healthy married relationship.
Spoken Word
Only Love
A poem for those who've had breast cancer surgery.
Spoken Word
What Cancer Cannot Do
A poem to encourage those with cancer.
Discussion guides/Books
Discussion guides/Books
Tell Me What You See Discussion Guide
Discussion guides/Books
More Beautiful Discussion Guide
Discussion guides/Books
Tell Me What You See Discussion Guide
Discussion guides/Books
Music For The Soul, Healing For The Heart
A story of God’s faithfulness, the reality of miracles, the brain science behind God’s incredible gift of music, and the redeeming power of Jesus Christ.
Soul Care Kit
The Soul Care Starter Kit is the complete library of all of our full length music CDs, single songs, video projects, and discussion guides for one low price.
Songs, poetry, testimonies, and a devotional guide to support caregivers.