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It’s Just Words

The Bible is just words.

Shakespeare, the Constitution, Walt Whitman. Just words.

Mein Kampf? Just words.

As one who has had made his living carefully considering each and every word – how they affect one another and affect our thinking – I believe there is no such thing as just words. Words have power. Words matter. When I’m at work with other lyricists we will literally spend time trying to decide whether “and” or “but” is a better connector between two lines, knowing that each suggests a subtle difference in the meaning of what is to follow.

In Matthew 12:36-38 Jesus says, “I tell you, on the day of judgment you will have to give an account for every careless word you utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Oh, come on Jesus, they’re just words. Nope. There is no such thing as just words. Words can bless. “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.” (Proverbs 16:24) Or words can crush. “Rash words are like sword thrusts…” (Proverbs 12:18a)

Finally, words reveal who we are. “The words of the mouth are deep waters…” (Proverbs 18:4a) And from Jesus, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (Matthew 12:34b). Words can inspire. Declaration of Independence anyone? I say again. There is no such thing as just words. I firmly reject – as should every man – the idea that a comment that endorses sexual assault can be dismissed simply as “locker room talk.”

Is it alright if I disregard the character of your mother, sister, daughter, or niece and assess her based solely on the size or lack thereof, of certain body parts? And for you male readers, is it OK if I talk about your wife or girlfriend in disparaging sexual terms? Why not? C’mon, it’s just words.


Guys, it’s time we step up. I am not naïve. God created us as sexual beings. Granted. But that does not make it OK for us to debase ourselves in search of a cheap laugh or a quick thrill at the expense of others. We need to demand more of ourselves. We need to call out other men when we hear objectifying language.

In fact, I believe standing up for the honor and dignity of women – and standing against the current pornified culture of misogyny and objectification – is the great call upon men in our time. And for men who call themselves Christ followers I believe it is the great adventure of our time. You want to be a leader in your community? In your workplace? In your church? In your family? Here you go. Here is your opportunity.

Stand up to this idea that women are to be used and discarded. I’m tired of hearing that boys will be boys – especially when it becomes license for men to be boys.

Boys will never become men unless they experience real male leadership. That begins with taking responsibility for our actions – and our words. Let our words reflect a world where my son, and all our sons, see women – in fact, all persons, – as worthy of being treated with dignity and respect.

The Apology

I speak on behalf of all men who have wronged you

I’m your brother, your father, your uncle, your husband,

Your teacher, your pastor or anyone else who has hurt you

I’m so sorry for how you’ve been exploited

Abandoned, diminished, and despised

For all the ways that you’ve been disrespected

I apologize

I speak on behalf of all men who’ve abused you

Your grandfather, your cousin, your boyfriend, your neighbor,

Your coach or your counselor or anyone else who has used you

I’m so sorry that you’ve been violated

Dishonored, oppressed, objectified

For all the times that you have felt degraded

I apologize

I’m so sorry for how we’ve used your bodies

And ignored your intuition and your minds

For all the ways we’ve put you in your place

I apologize

May I kneel and wash your feet?

May I kneel and wash your feet?

May I kneel and wash your feet?


Originally posted 10/10/16  Reposted 2/14/18


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